pothitaki vlaxou photo24

Secondary School Teacher - Coach for Adolescents and Young Adults, Co-founder of rrCoaching Adolescents for Strengths

Ruth Vlahou, co-founder of rrCoaching Adolescents for Strengths, is dedicated to empowering adolescents and young adults to explore their unique strengths, engage with their potential, and evolve into confident, resilient individuals ready to navigate life’s challenges. With over 30 years of educational experience across diverse cultural settings, Ruth has gained deep insights into the challenges young people face and how self-awareness and resilience can transform their academic and personal growth. Educated in the Australian system, Ruth was inspired by its emphasis on empowerment, self-belief, and individual growth – principles she applies to her work. To enhance her practice, she earned a Diploma in Evidence-Based Coaching from the Athens Coaching Institute and a Certification in Positive Psychology in Education from Panteion University, complementing her postgraduate in Management and Leadership in Education from the University of Derby. At rrCoaching, Ruth supports adolescents to identify and harness their 24 character strengths, enabling them to overcome challenges, build confidence, and achieve meaningful goals, fostering resilience and a brighter future.

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